"Verstockung liegt auf einem Teil Israels, bis die Heiden in voller Zahl das Heil erlangt haben; dann wird ganz Israel gerettet werden... Vom Evangelium her gesehen sind sie Feinde, und das um euretwillen; von ihrer Erwählung her gesehen sind sie von Gott geliebt, und das um der Väter willen. Denn unwiderruflich sind Gnade und Berufung, die Gott gewährt. " (Rom 11:25-29)
Über die Beziehung zwischen Israel und die Kirche und die Rolle Israels in Gottes Heilsplan.
A compilation of authoritative Church documents pertaining to Jews and Judaism, from the 1965 Declaration Nostra Aetate to the 2015 The Gifts and the Calling of God are Irrevocable.
In this message I try to outline a a Jewish Catholic doctrine of Mary, a doctrine that, I think, does full justice to Mary as she is understood by the Church while, at the same time, acknowledging the dignity of Israel as it is understood in Judaism.
Wozu ist das Apostolat Katholiken für Israel notwendig? Welche gegenwärtigen Herausforderungen und Schwierigkeiten in der Kirche von Heute und in der Welt hofft Katholiken für Israel zu behandeln?
Katholiken für Israel ist ein Apostolat, das treu zum Magisterium steht dem lebendigen Lehramt der Kirche steht, dem Jesus die Aufgabe anvertraut hat, gültig das Wort Gottes zu interpretieren (DV 10). Den Kern unserer Glaubensgrundsätze hinsichtlich Israels und des jüdischen Volkes bildet die offizielle Lehre der katholischen Kirche, besonders Kapitel 4 der Erklärung Nostra Aetate und der Katechismus der Katholischen Kirche.
Part III: Messianic Judaism and Christian Zionism: The rise of the Zionist movement in the late 19th century. Early Christian Zionism. Early Hebrew-Christians and early Hebrew-Catholics. The turning point: 1967. From Hebrew-Christians to Messianic Jews. The Messianic movement today in Israel and among the nations. Messianic theology and faith; Messianic congregations and worship; Messianic culture and life in Israel. Christian Zionism and Christian supporters of Israel today. Toward Jerusalem Council II - welcoming Jewish believers back into the Church.
Weiterlesen: Israel: A Prophetic Sign? Part III: Messianic Judaism and Christian Zionism
Part II: Israel and the Church Today - How Vatican II and Nostra Aetate transformed the Church's relationship with the Jewish people. Church documents on the Jewish people from Vatican II to the 21st century. The promised restoration of Israel according to the prophets. An evaluation: can Old Testament prophecies still apply to Israel today? The Catholic Church and the modern State of Israel. Israel's "passion, death and resurrection"?
Weiterlesen: Israel: A Prophetic Sign? Part II: Israel and the Church Today
Part I: Israel and the Church from Abraham to Today - The origins of Israel: the Patriarchs; the Exodus and Mount Sinai; the kingdom of Israel; exile and return. Hebrews, Israelites and Jews. The Messiah and his rejection by his own people. The birth of the Church. Early Jewish-Christianity, the growth of Gentile Christianity, and the parting of ways. Israel in the patristic writings: the rise of "replacement theology." Christian anti-Semitism in the Middle-Ages. Theological evaluation: Israel and the Church in the New Testament.