Jesus sagte zu ihnen: Ihr aber, für wen haltet ihr mich? 16 Simon Petrus antwortete: Du bist der Messias, der Sohn des lebendigen Gottes! Jesus sagte zu ihm: Selig bist du, Simon Barjona; denn nicht Fleisch und Blut haben dir das offenbart, sondern mein Vater im Himmel. (Mt 16:15-17)
Artikel über Jesus, den Messias Israels und dem Sohn Gottes sowie über Gott, den einen Gott Israels der sich in der Dreifaltigkeit offenbart hat.
The Name of G-d is like a Temple: Just as a Temple locates G-d's Presence and offers men an opportunity to enter that Presence, the Name of G-d is the "place"—that through which-- we encounter the Presence of G-d.
The Trinity is a distinctively Christian idea, but it articulates the concept of G-d implicit in the Jewish as well as the Catholic experience of G-d, for Jews, like Catholics, know G-d as Father (Source), as Son (Shekhinah), and as the Holy Spirit (His Love).
The Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith. The term describes the inner life of God, who is an eternal communion of Persons and a Family whose life is love. Is the concept of the Trinity a Christian invention, derived from Greco-Roman pagan ideas? Or do we already find hints of the Trinity in the Hebrew Bible and in Jewish sources?
Is the Messiah to be a mere man, as is commonly thought in traditional Judaism, or is he divine, as it is held by Christians? Did the concept of a divine Messiah derive from Greek pagan influences, or is it rooted in the Bible? Is it a New Testament innovation or can we find hints and traces of this idea throughout the Hebrew Bible and Jewish literature? Read about the divinity of the Messiah in the Patristic writings, in the New Testament, and in the Hebrew Scriptures and Jewish literature.
Ein kurzer Überblick über die Botschaft des Evangeliums und wie sie Dich betrifft: Gottes liebender Plan sein göttliches Leben mit uns zu teilen, wie wir seinen Bund gebrochen haben, wie Jesus gekommen ist um uns mit Gott zu versöhnen, und wie er die katholische Kirche gründete um uns in der Gemeinschaft mit Gott wiederherzustellen und uns seine Vergebung, sein Heil und das ewige Leben in der Liebe zu schenken.
Der Messias im Tanach (dem alten Testament) im Licht der rabbinischen Schriften.
A study of the river flowing from Ezekiel's Temple (Ezek 47:1-12) and its underlying themes: Jerusalem and Zion as the Lord's cosmic mountain; water as a prophetic sign of eschatological healing; the Garden of Eden. The Feast of Tabernacles and its water libation ceremony in the Temple actualized these themes and anticipated God's future outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Jesus' words uttered during the same feast show that he identified himself with Ezekiel's temple and is the giver of the waters of life – the Holy Spirit. The eschatology of the book of Revelation and the vision of "a pure river of water of life" proceeding from the throne of God recapitulate and expand Ezekiel's vision by incorporating the other prophetic themes and Jesus' self-revelation.