Die spirituelle Reise von Juden und Nichtjuden aus verschiedenen Hintergründen, die den Messias und ihre Heimat in der katholischen Kirche gefunden haben.
Jacob Weksler was raised a Catholic and became a priest. He later learned he was Jewish and came to Israel, where he found ultra-Orthodox relatives, a mixed welcome at a kibbutz ulpan and a confrontation with the Law of Return.
Weiterlesen: The Catholic Priest who Discovered he was a Jew
As right wing political atheists of a Jewish ancestry, we didn't fit in with anyone around us: not with Catholics, not with the sprinkling of Protestants, certainly not with Orthodox religious Jews in full regalia, nor Reform Jews, nor Zionist atheist Jews, nor left-wing non-Zionist Jews. Later, as a Catholic, I realized that my desire to belong to an identifiable group forever and ever had a psychological as well as a theological reason.
Weiterlesen: Saved! Ronda Chervin's Conversion to the Catholic Faith
Finding My Jewish Past and My Catholic Present - Growing up in New York City in a very strict Catholic home I began questioning the doctrines of our faith at a very young age. Little did I know that this very same quest brought me to a moment in my life in which I would have all these questions answered for me by G-d, Himself!
Ich bin durch Adoption orthodoxe Jüdin geworden. Das heißt, nach der Halacha, bin ich eine Konvertitin zum Judentum. Ich lebe in Gemeinschaft mit anderen orthodoxen Juden, meinem Eheman und Kindern in einer religiösen Gemeinschaft in Israel. Ich liebe auch Jesus und die Botschaft des Evangeliums, über die ich weiterhin viel lerne, und das bedeutet, daß ich meinen Glauben hauptsächlich innerlich lebe.
Als ich in einer konservativen jüdischen Familie in einer Vorstadt von Toronto aufwuchs, besuchte ich die Synagoge regelmäßig am Schabbat und an den hohen Feiertagen. Mein Vater ist ein Überlebender des Holocaustes aus Polen und die Familie meiner Mutter floh vor den Pogromen in Russland. Beide ließen sich hier in Canada nieder und zogen mich und meine Schwester in einer jiddisch-sprechenden, jüdischen Umgebung, in der alle unsere Freunde Juden waren und Israel der Grund unserer Existenz war auf. Das Christentum war für uns die Religion der Außenstehenden, der Glaube der Antisemiten und Judenhaßer, der Glaube der Kreuzzügler, der Inquisitoren, der Verfolger und der Nazis. Doch meine Mutter hat mich wiederholt daran erinnert, daß "Jesus ein Jude" war...
Ich heiße Miryam Leah. Ich bin 35 Jahre alt, Jüdisch unf Italienerin aus einer ultraorthodoxen, chassidischen Familie (Lubavitch- mein Vater ist der Shaliach, der „Gesandte“ des Rebbe). Seit 8 Jahren bin ich katholisch und Dominikanerinnenschwester.
Here is a translation of Magdi Allam’s account of his conversion to Catholicism. The formerly Muslim journalist was baptized by Benedict XVI at Saturday's Easter Vigil Mass 2008 in St. Peter's Basilica.
Aaron Jean-Marie Lustiger, cardinal and archbishop, died on August 5th, 2007, aged 80. At the funeral of Jean-Marie Lustiger, at Notre Dame de Paris on August 10th, his second cousin Jonas Moses-Lustiger read a psalm in Hebrew and placed on the coffin a jar of earth that had been gathered on the Mount of Olives. Then another cousin, Arno Lustiger, bent over the coffin to recite Kaddish. Only when those things were done was the body of Cardinal Lustiger carried inside the cathedral, where Catholic panoply took over.
This is the story of my return to the Catholic Church. I will attempt to explain how my walk with the Lord these past years has led me to this important and difficult decision, yet one that I make in peace and joy. It is addressed to my Evangelical Christian and Messianic Jewish friends in Israel, and particularly to those who do not believe that one can be a "true believer" and a Catholic at the same time. It is also written as a personal testimony for my many good friends around the world who may be interested in my walk of faith. To them I dedicate this essay and pray that it will help us to grow in unity in loving and worshiping the King of Kings.