Dr. André Villeneuve discusses the role of Israel in the age of the Church on Michael Lofton's "Reason and Theology" podcast.


  1. Who is Israel?
  2. What is the nature of God's covenant with Israel?
  3. What is Supersessionism (Replacement Theology)?
  4. Did God end his covenant with Israel when Jesus established the New Covenant?
  5. Is the Church the "New" or "True" Israel?
  6. What is Israel's Role in the Age of the Church?
  7. How are Biblical and Modern Israel Related? Does the State of Israel Matter?
  8. What is Zionism?
  9. Can/Should Catholics be Zionists?
  10. What about the Palestinians?
  11. Is there an End in Sight to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?
  12. What is Israel's role in regard to Jesus’s Second Coming?
André Villeneuve est professeur agrégé d'Ancien Testament et de langues bibliques au Grand Séminaire Sacré-Cœur de Détroit, Michigan. Il a obtenu son doctorat à l'Université hébraïque de Jérusalem et sa licence en Écriture Sainte auprès de la Commission Biblique Pontificale à Rome. Il est l'auteur de Divine Marriage from Eden to the End of Days (2021) et directeur de Catholiques pour Israël.

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