Beyond Rome: A Catholic Theologian Explains the Relationship Between Christianity and Judaism
On the Beyond Rome podcast, Simone Rizkallah and James O’Reilly are joined by Andre Villeneuve to discuss how Catholics should navigate between the two heresies of Supersessionism (or Replacement Theology) and Dual Covenant Theology.
The Mystery of Israel
The central fact, which has its deepest meaning for the philosophy of history and for human destiny—and which no one seems to take into account—is that the passion of Israel today is taking on more and more distinctly the form of the Cross.
Why Israel Matters: The Biblical Roots of Catholic Zionism
The horrific Hamas attacks on Israel on October 7, 2023 and the ensuing war in Gaza have raised many questions among Catholics: Should they support Israel? Does modern Israel still benefit from any kind of special status today as God’s chosen nation, or should we view it as a purely secular political entity like every other state? This article will consider these questions...
Zionist vs Palestinian Debate on Israel/Hamas Conflict
Watch three intense debates between a Zionist Christian (Dr. André Villeneuve) and a Palestinian Christian (Daniel Bannoura) as they discuss the ongoing Israel/Hamas conflict in 2024. Gain insights into the different perspectives on this controversial issue and witness a clash of opinions on the politi...
Did Israel Steal Land from the Palestinians?
Michael Lofton interviews Dr. Andre Villeneuve and former IDF soldier Ariel Birnbaum about the war in Gaza and explores a wide range of questions - including whether Israel stole land from the Palestinians.
The Pope and the Cheshire Cat
When we meet cats who grin, that is, people who are naturally nice and warm, we tend to think that they are good people. A grin of the sort gives itself out as an implicit promise of support in time of need. Somebody whom we identify as empathic will be most likely to help. What is very curious is realizing that certain people's cordial grin amounts to n...
Le Sionisme Catholique
Le don inconditionnel de l'élection du peuple juif constitue le fondement théologique du sionisme catholique. De nombreux textes du Nouveau Testament peuvent venir à l'appui de l'idée selon laquelle les catholiques devraient soutenir le sionisme. Jésus lui-même était un juif chrétien sioniste. ...
Un nouveau Sionisme Chrétien
Les détracteurs du sionisme chrétien le rejettent généralement pour l’une ou plusieurs des trois raisons suivantes : (1) Ils disent que celui-ci met en miettes le Nouveau Testament, où l'accent mis par l'Ancien Testament sur un pays particulier est remplacé par la vision du monde dans sa totalité ; (2) Ils pensent que c'est là, la préoccupation ...
The Holy Mass that I Did not Celebrate
On the one hand, there is the Christian message of unconditional love and its emphasis on self-sacrifice at the hands of those who hate you unjustly: "No one can have greater love than to lay down his life for his friends." On the other hand, there is the logic of war: you want to liquidate those who hate you to the point of mu...
Pourquoi la terre promise appartient aux israélites
Gerald McDermott étudie la notion de substitution dans la théologie chrétienne, celle-ci estime que les promesses faites au peuple juif dans l'Ancien Testament, y compris la promesse d’une terre, ont été substituées par l'Église chrétienne. Il soutient que ce point de vue a dominé l'interprétation chrétienne depuis le quatriè...