Articoli sulla vita, il culto, la teologia, i costumi e le attività delle varie chiese e comunità cristiane in Israele (cattolica, ortodossa, protestante e messianica).
Two years after its publication, the authors of the "Kairos Palestine" document held an anniversary conference in Bethlehem, constituting themselves a tribunal before which to arraign all the churches of the world for not showing enough enthusiasm for their original document.
Leggi tutto: "Kairos Palestine": From Mendacity to Megalomania
For over two decades, parts of the Christian world have been bemused by the writings of self-styled "Palestinian Christian theologians." Since their brightest lights are Protestant pastors, they are minor figures among the overwhelmingly Orthodox and Catholic faithful of the Holy Land. But they are strangely popular in Liberal Protestant circles abroad and especially beloved of church bureaucrats.
Leggi tutto: "Palestinian Theologian" Trashes "Palestinian Theology"
Ciò che segue è un saggio di omelia, proposto da Cattolici per Israele, per il Nuovo Anno 2012. E’ un esempio di messaggio evangelico della Chiesa, libero dagli effetti negativi degli ‘Elefanti nella stanza’, che in questi anni stanno. L’omelia è basata sulle letture per la Messa della Madre di Dio del 1° gennaio 2012.
Catholics for Israel are highly aware of the precarious and difficult situation you find yourselves in. We are not against you by calling ourselves Catholics for Israel. It is precisely the concern for the situation you are in and the complexity of your situation that is motivating us to address and speak out those things that today most Catholics are afraid to even think about.
Nell’inquieta Terra Santa, divisa e lacerata dai conflitti, i capi della Chiesa locali e i cristiani di tutte le confessioni spesso sostengono di pronunciare un infaticabile messaggio di giustizia, di riconciliazione e di pace. Se solo più persone ascoltassero questo messaggio – affermano – si arriverebbe ad un miglioramento drastico delle prospettive di pace tra le parti in conflitto della regione. Ma questo è vero?
While most Evangelical Protestants are generally friendly to the Jewish people and the State of Israel, there is a small band of Evangelical pastors and professors who want to line up all Evangelicals unilaterally on the Palestinian side. The most egregious example may be Anglican vicar Stephen Sizer, whose has chummed up with the likes of Naturei Karta and Iranian President Ahmadinejad. But Gary Burge probably wields the greater influence.
On the one hand, there is the Christian message of unconditional love and its emphasis on self-sacrifice at the hands of those who hate you unjustly: "No one can have greater love than to lay down his life for his friends." On the other hand, there is the logic of war: you want to liquidate those who hate you to the point of murdering your nation by all possible means, preferably the most horrific ones. What I identify as problematic is the conflation of these two logics - a confusion that I have a hard time not considering to be deliberate.
A “bird’s eye view” of the Latin Catholic Church in the Holy Land, including the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land.
Molti studi eccelsi sono stati svolti sulla storia del cristianesimo nel paese dei suoi natali, tali da poter riempire un'intera libreria. Negli ultimi anni, tuttavia, tutto questo lavoro è stato oscurato dal mito, creato dalla cosiddetta "narrativa palestinese", del cristianesimo palestinese.
The Orthodox churches count among them some of the oldest churches in Christianity. Because they almost all originated in the east they are usually known as the "eastern" churches.
The self-styled “Kairos Palestine” document was launched in Bethlehem on December 11,2009 by a panel chaired by the former Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem,Michel Sabbah. The document is meant to mobilize churches worldwide in a program of boycotts, divestment and delegitimization directed at the State of Israel.