Current events pertaining to Jewish-Christian relations, including the relationship of the Jewish people to the Catholic Church, papal teachings about Israel and Judaism, speeches to Jewish representatives, and papal visits to the Holy Land.
KRAKOW, Poland, MAY 28, 2006 - Here is a translation of the address Benedict XVI delivered when visiting the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, the last stage of his apostolic trip to Poland.
The Jewish-Christian relationship has, throughout its history, been a turbulent one. Recognizing the growing degree of acceptance and tolerance on the part of Christians towards Jews, leaders of the Jewish community felt that these positive changes deserved a public and considered response. Published in 2000, Dabru Emet sought to put on public record the most current Jewish perspectives on Christianity.
Read more: Dabru Emet: A Jewish Statement on Christians and Christianity
"Whoever meets Jesus Christ, meets Judaism." I would like to make these words mine, too. The faith of the Jesus Christ, the son of David and the son of Abraham contains "the total heritage of Israel for the Church"...
Read more: Address to Representatives of the West German Jewish Community